Easy Cum Easy Go, Queanbeyan West # 1964 Number of Broken Bones- 4 Run Report: Incider- Like an 80's porno, easy did deliver and there was plenty of bush. 6/10. Poo Shooter- robust markings, plenty of bush, Fucking Big Hill, 6 points for 6 bags of chips. 6/10 Charges: McTaf was charged for being a poor choir master. Black Dog charged Green finger for abandoning her at the Karabar TAB. (She could have been killed!!) Media Tarts for the following- McTaf, weatherman, Dickie knee & Pop tart. Betty Boop complained that WxMan failing to share the spring rolls she cooked for his bike Hash. (You can’t get in the way of Boopy and her nibbles). Poo Shooter changed Greasy for tooting his own horn. (some people are just jealous.) New Shoes- Sun Bean & Centrefold. Cheers and happy heavenly hashing to SILVER FOX who can enjoy an eternal down down in Hashy Heaven. All the broken bones: BH for busted hand, Poosh for buster finger, QL for a busted rib and fish finger’s misses has a broken hip. Returnees: Centrefold, Freezer Balls, Blue Hawaii, Poo Shooter, Tainted Love, Incider, Buns, Sacred Bush, Black Dog and Green Finger. Birthdays: Meat to Please you, Hidden flagon, Freezer balls & Sun Bean. Anniversaries: Black Dog- 399th run + 30th anniversary of hashing. Greased Nipple – 959. Pop Tart- 242. Awards: FRB went to K-Wine. Dummy Spit went to Green Finger. Cracker of the week: Forgotten about it